May 17 & 18, 2022

Tel Aviv, ISRAEL

Program & Agenda

ADM Tel Aviv format and agenda

This first edition will feature two days of intense business activities as shown in the following tentative agenda:

May 17, 2022

  • 08.30-09.00


  • 09.00-12.00

    Presentations on Israeli and workshops Aerospace and defense market as well as International OEMs strategy toward Israel

  • 12.00-13.30

    Business lunch

  • 13.30-17.30

    Pre-arranged B2B meetings

  • 18.00-20.00

    Business reception

    (Light cocktail party)

May 18, 2022

  • 08.30-12.30

    Pre-arranged B2B meetings and workshops

  • 12.30-14.00

    Business lunch

  • 14.00-17.00

    Pre-arranged B2B meetings

The program will offer all participants the opportunity to sign up, identify and request meetings with relevant contacts prior to the show. Schedules of meetings, based on those choices, will be pre-arranged. The one-to-one meetings will be held at the venue.

OEM's procurement & supply chain policies

These presentations focus on either technologies or products. This is a chance for a limited number of suppliers to reach an audience of professionals willing to increase and optimize their market knowledge. These activities will be held in parallel to the meetings.

Organized by

BCI Aerospace

In collaboration with

Israel Export Institute

Media Partner

Media 7

advanced business events is a leading European organizer of business conventions or «One-to-One meetings» events, conferences, congresses dedicated to professionals in the industry. abe is proudly recognized in the industry as a key player whose business is to connect OEMs and suppliers through pre-arranged and business focused meetings and conferences.

Aerospace & Defense Meetings Tel Aviv @ Copyright 2021